Custom Built-ins

As homeowners, we often inherit architectural details that are less than desirable. They can range from outdated fireplace mantels to awkward alcoves and can detract from the overall aesthetic. However, these unseemly architectural quirks can be transformed into stunning custom built-ins, offering a functional and beautiful solution to enhance your space.

Custom built-ins are a versatile and practical solution that can transform your home. They can provide much-needed extra organizational space while also serving as a stunning design element. Whether you’re looking to add more storage in your living room, create a cozy reading nook, or simply enhance the look of your space, custom built-ins are an optimal solution. With the right approach, these architectural eyesores can be transformed into beautiful, practical, and thoughtful features that meet your needs and personal style. With the below suggestions, get ready to say goodbye to unattractive elements and hello to stunning built-ins!


Transform An Unused Fireplace

A fireplace can function as an elegant focal point in any room, but when it’s not being used, it can feel like a waste of space. Instead of attempting to work around the awkward details of the structure, why not just remove it entirely and turn it into an entirely new centerpiece?

Since this home, featured above, already had other fireplaces, the clients were willing to forego this one so it could be turned into a more useful custom built-in. My goal for this project was to give the clients the space they were seeking for their TV while also highlighting the existing art in their home.

In doing so, we were able to transform what was previously an inconvenient medley of materials into a beautiful space to house the clients’ media setup and art. The open shelves on either side of the built-in offered additional storage for cherished items.


Marry Incohesive Elements

With two seemingly contradictory architectural elements built side by side, it can be easy to jump towards altering one to match the other. However, have you considered doing away with both and transforming them into a single design? With a little creativity and the help of a custom built-in, you can turn two incompatible details into a stunning focal wall.

In this instance, the clients had a bland fireplace on one side and a large two-foot-deep alcove on the other – the combined look created an unattractive architectural mismatch. I viewed this as an excellent opportunity to update the wall using a custom built-in to bring aesthetic appeal to the space.

I incorporated both the fireplace and the niche using a custom built-in, and the result was a magnificent piece that not only provided functionality but also transformed the look of the wall, making it a focal point. The built-in blended the two previously-disparate elements into one beautiful unit while also adding much-needed closed and open storage space.


Reimagine A Bare Wall

A natural solution for an empty wall might look like a row of shelving units with a media center stuffed into the middle. By reimagining the area and opting for a custom piece, you can combine a media center, shelves, or any other desired features into one cohesive unit that not only serves its purpose but also adds visual interest to the room.

One of the most beneficial aspects of a custom built-in is that it can be designed to fit the exact dimensions of a wall, making use of every inch of space while also complementing the existing decor. This was exactly the case for this project, as the clients wanted plenty of open shelving for books, photos, and other items to display.

My aim was to transform the empty, cavernous feel of the basement by breathing new life into the walls,  which meant installing the client’s desired shelving element. I achieved this through a colossal custom built-in that fully spanned the length of the room and even wrapped around the corner to fill an additional wall.


Turn Unusable Into Functional

You may be able to justify having an unattractive design element in your space, but if it doesn’t meet your lifestyle needs — we’re talking small, awkward spaces — then it’s time for a revamp. By incorporating a custom built-in, you can not only improve the look of your space but also turn something unusable into something practical. Do away with that inconveniently-located fireplace or enormous nook, and instead, use a custom piece to help maximize your home’s potential.

This young family began with a living room that was uninviting and didn’t pair well with their lifestyle. An unsightly fireplace was the focal point, and next to it were two fairly impractical spaces that failed to provide the family with the room they needed to house their possessions.

A space like this is practically begging for a custom built-in. When you don’t have much space to work with, rather than painstakingly searching for just the right furniture to fit, opting for a custom built-in can help you make the most of your square footage. For this family, I designed a piece that provided them with ample storage space that served to really brighten up the room.


Create A Whole New Space

There’s really no limit to what they can achieve with custom built-ins, so don’t be afraid to get creative. It might be time to elevate your space by incorporating a tailored design that caters specifically to your unique circumstance.

In this case, the clients were seeking a home theater in their basement, and a custom built-in brought the whole space together. I designed a feature wall behind the screen as well as a platform for the sound system, with plenty of closed extra storage on both sides.

The wood behind the screen also features various depths, adding texture and dimension to the space. This is another situation where furniture could’ve done the trick, but by designing a custom piece perfectly tailored to the basement, the result was a stunning and elegant focal point.


Final Thoughts

Custom built-ins are an excellent solution for transforming otherwise unattractive architectural details into beautiful and functional elements in your home. By working with a professional to create a design suited to your individual needs and style, you can create a stunning and functional custom piece that is sure to enhance your home. Schedule a free consultation with me to explore how I can help bring your project to life!

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